Pest Control Tenterden

Tenterden Rat Catchers and Pest Experts

Tenterden Rat Catchers (TN30): Noticing a rat in your garden or even inside your property tends to be quite an alarming thing to experience and whilst it's not such a frequent occurrence in Tenterden in recent times, its certainly not unheard of. Rats tend to breed rather quickly and will likely cause problems, especially when they are seen in numbers. One incidence of a solitary rat won't be too much of a worry, however if you happen to be noticing them on a regular basis you need to get some specialist advice.

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Whilst neither of the two species of rat currently seen in the United Kingdom originate from these islands, they have clearly made themselves at home. The brown rat is especially common whilst the black rat isn't so much so nowadays. Both of these species escaped from Asia and arrived in the British Isles on boats.

Rat Catchers Tenterden TN30

The largest of the 2 rats is the brown at around 9", whilst the black only measures 5 to 7" long. To wear down their continually growing incisor teetn, common brown rats have to keep on chewing stuff, which explains why they cause such a lot of damage and destruction. Their interest is often concentrated on items made of timber.

An infestation of rats cause a number of problems for home or business owners in Tenterden, they will leave droppings, transmit diseases, gnaw their way through wires, insulation, pipes and woodwork, and build nests. Sightings of rats need to be reported to the local council. Or alternatively post a report to record pest and rat sightings on the .gov website HERE, to be forwarded to your local authorities.

Pest Control Tenterden

It is not always by sight alone that you'll become aware of the presence of rats, their habits are oftentimes enough to give warning. It could be that you could come upon a rat's nest hidden away, you may spot distinctive rat holes gnawed in floorboards or skirting boards, you might start seeing droppings on floor surfaces or in cupboards or you could hear noises coming from a floor, wall or loft.

To resolve this problem there are two or three approaches you might consider. You could put poison or traps down yourself, you can retain the services of a pest removal expert or you could speak to the local Tenterden authorities. In the world today rat catchers generally come under the umbrella category of pest management, and pest elimination experts not only remove rats but additionally wasps, cockroaches, bedbugs, mice, moles, fleas and all manner of garden and domestic pests. (Tags: Rat Catcher Tenterden, Pest Control Tenterden )

Rat Prevention Tenterden

The easiest way to avoid issues with rats is not to attract them to start with. So, deterring rodents ought to be a thing to consider even though you do not have a rat problem at present. One of the primary causes of rat and rodent infestations is domestic waste littering gardens. You will simply attract them if you supply them with both the materials and place to build a nest. If there is also an abundance of food available your rats will be in heaven, so be wary that bird seed feeders can attract rats, particularly when they are liable to overflowing, and household food scraps should also not be easily accessible. (Tags: Rat Prevention, Rat Deterrents)

Rat Traps Tenterden

One of the ways that you can handle rat problems is by using rat traps. Rat traps may be created to actually kill a rat or to humanely imprison rats for later release. Individuals who don't like to think of animals of any sort harmed, will definitely prefer the capture kind of trap. Rat traps are offered in all sizes and styles and include the likes of: electronic rat traps, cage traps, enclosed poison traps and spring loaded bait traps.

Click For Rat Control in Tenterden Kent

Pest control and rat catching can be undertaken in Tenterden and also nearby in: Sissinghurst, Woodchurch, Benenden, Parkgate, Rolvenden, Biddenden, Haigh Halden, Rolvenden Layne, Ashenden, Wittersham, Shadoxhurst, St MIchaels, together with these postcodes TN30 6WS, TN30 6LH, TN30 6AQ, TN30 6NP, TN30 6BN, TN30 6BB, TN30 6WQ, TN30 6BX, TN30 6HU, and TN26 3JF. Locally based Tenterden rat catchers will probably have the dialling code 01580 and the postcode TN30.

Rat Poisons

Laying poison is one of the more unpleasant methods by which to eliminate rats and rodents. Grains of wheat are laced using a poisoned chemical and strategically left for rats to eat, it then takes them a few days to die. The location of the rat poison is important and can be responsible for the success or failure of this procedure. One or more of three key ingredients which are used in rat poisons are: brodifacoum, bromadioline or difenacoum. You have to be extremely careful to keep this out of reach of pets. Well known brands of rat poison made in Great Britain include: Rentokil, Elixir Gardens, RatKil, Pest Expert, Propest and Roshield.

Problems With Moles

A few rat catchers in Tenterden can also help with moles (the furry kind!). Certainly not such detested creatures, moles cause totally different problems to rats. The biggest trouble with moles is that they'll cause a fair amount of damage to your garden, especially to a lawn. Proof of their destructive activity can be clearly spotted in the form of randomly scattered heaps of earth on beautifully clipped lawns. Capturing with traps is by far the most acceptable and humane technique to get rid of moles. (Tags: Mole Trapping Tenterden, Mole Catchers Tenterden)

Checking for Rats

There are a few ways that you can tell if you've got rats. When you have a notion that there may be rats in your business or property you could keep your eyes peeled for faeces (droppings), they look similar to large grains of rice and are dark brown in colour, look out for holes or burrows close to solid surfaces, listen out for continual scratching noises coming from walls and roofs, in particular during the night, watch out for rub marks on walls and skirtings where greasy fur has left marks, pay attention to gnaw marks in wood, wires and cables, particularly in lofts, search for signs of tail trails or footprints in dusty areas.

Rat Burrows

If you have rats running around your garden, the probability is there is going to be a burrow somewhere. Rats like to burrow and they usually dig them next to and under solid structures and objects like shed bases, terraces, walkways and garages. These are the best spots to check if you think there may be rats nearby. They excavate extensive burrow networks that provide food storage, a nesting place and shelter. The access points to burrows will often be worn smooth by continual comings and goings, so keep your eyes open for smooth sided holes next to and under solid surfaces. The burrow entrances are generally approximately 2-4 inches across. A simple way to learn if rats currently using the burrow is to toss some rubbish into the entrance hole and check if it has been cleared away the following day.

What Attracts Mice and Rats?

Though some people in Tenterden might consider them cute with their pointy faces, fur covered bodies and twitching whiskers, rats and mice are not animals that you want in your house or garden, and can even be dangerous. Rats and mice are known to cause fires and other issues in homes and business premises in Tenterden by nibbling through plasterboard, skirting boards, plastic and electric wiring. Over 30 different types of disease can be spread by rats and mice including salmonella, bubonic plague, rat bite fever, tularemia, typhus, trichinosis, Weil's disease, toxoplasmosis and listeria. So, the following are just a few of the things that are going to attract mice and rats to your home or garden:

  • ENTRY POINTS AND HOLES - Rats and mice can squeeze through the smallest of cracks and holes, so look out for gaps around pipes, air vents, crawl spaces and doors.
  • COMPOST/PET WASTE - Surprisingly compost heaps and even pet waste can attract mice and rats - there will be some tasty morsels hidden in there!
  • WATER - Busy little rodents have to drink, subsequently sources of water like pet water bowls, leaky pipes, birdbaths and seeping sprinkler systems are a big attraction for these unwelcome pests.
  • CLUTTER - General jumble and clutter in loft, gardenshed or basement will be especially attractive to rats and mice, particularly if there is a source of food nearby.
  • TRASH/RUBBISH - An accumulation of garbage and garden waste stacked up on your property (especially in the garden) will definitely attract rats and mice.
  • FOOD - Food that is left lying around or discarded is one of the primary attractions for rats and mice.
Rat Exterminator Tenterden UK

Having a rat problem in Tenterden is a situation that most of us fear, and when this happens to you, you might be tempted to try to solve it yourself. By looking in supermarkets, shops and hardware stores in and around Tenterden, it's not at all hard to obtain rat poisons, rat traps and other products. An experienced rat exterminator in Tenterden is however the best person for the job, because controlling rats isn't always as easy as you might assume. Due to the dangers to pets and children, the rookie's use of rat poisons is not usually encouraged, and it's not always successful in any case. You would be much better off enlisting the help of a professional whenever you need rat control in Tenterden. (Tags: Rat Control Tenterden, Rat Exterminator Tenterden, Rat Removal Tenterden)

Click For Rat Catchers in Tenterden Kent

Tenterden rat catchers will likely help with electronic pest control in Tenterden, mole catching, residential pest control in Tenterden, ultrasonic pest control Tenterden, pest control, dead animal removal, rat trapping, rat deterrents, ant control, rat proofing Tenterden, rodent control Tenterden, household pest control, bird pest control, bird proofing in Tenterden, rat prevention, cockroach control Tenterden, rat extermination and other pest control in Tenterden, Kent.

Pest Control Nearby

Also find: Wittersham rat catchers, Biddenden rat catchers, Shadoxhurst rat catchers, Rolvenden rat catchers, Haigh Halden rat catchers, Sissinghurst rat catchers, St MIchaels rat catchers, Benenden rat catchers, Rolvenden Layne rat catchers, Parkgate rat catchers, Woodchurch rat catchers, Ashenden rat catchers and more. Companies who do pest control can be found in practically all of these localities. These professional pest controllers bring to the table years of knowledge and expertise, ensuring they efficiently and effectively address your rodent issue. The skills and tools necessary to quickly resolve a rat problem, whether it involves just one or a larger infestation, are readily available with these pest control experts. By simply clicking here, local residents can obtain pest control price quotes. Got a problem with rats? Why not get a quote today?

Rat catchers in TN30 area.

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(This pest control Tenterden page was generated on 02-08-2024)